Saturday, August 1, 2009

Let Go and Grab On

image via papertissue

You've heard the saying "mind over matter" but new research is saying that it really may be true when it comes to exercise.

Psychologists say our internal dialogue really can make or break a fitness routine and many of us are just not aware of how much our "self talk" can effect our choices. So saying things like "I hate exercise", "I don't have time to exercise" or "I'm not good at weight lifting" can become reality if we let them.

Today, how about making a deal with yourself and set a goal of thinking positively about exercise! Try saying "I can find some type of activity I enjoy" and " I can exercise while I am watching TV at night" can be alternatives that can get you on the move.

You don't have to be the best after all, you just have to try! And do what you love.

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