Monday, February 18, 2013

Heart Health Recipe Contest

You love to cook, right? Why not get paid for the awesome heart healthy dish your family begs you to make weekly. We will give a $25 Harris Teeter gift card to the winner. 

The rules are simple:

1. Take a picture of heart healthy dish that you have prepared.

2. Include recipe in email.

3. No pictures can be taken from other websites, but from your kitchen.

Judging will be based on:
1. Inclusion of heart healthy ingredients

2. Budget friendly

3. Ease of preparation

4. Visual appeal

The winner's recipe and picture will be posted to TNT's website and social media sites.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Go Red For Women

TNT supports the American Heart Association and stands along side the organization in the stand against heart disease. Don't forget to wear RED on Friday, February 1st.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Meal Prep Tips

You have gone grocery shopping now it is time to prepare your meals for the week. It is easier to make healthier food choices if your meals are ready to go. It will save time and take the guesswork out of determining what you should cook for dinner or take for lunch the next day.

It might seem tedious at first coming up with your menu for the week. You may find it easier to plan for a couple days or the entire month in advance. It is completly up to you how far ahead you prep your meals. The more you prepare meals in advance the easier it becomes.

Here are a few tips with preparing meals:
1.     Start the water boiling – as soon as you place the bags on the kitchen counter, break out the stock pot for boiling potatoes, rice, pasta, or eggs. Then, while waiting for the water to boil, you can start prepping or putting items away.
2.     Turn the Oven on – plan ahead of time what meat, veggies, or potatoes you will be roasting or broiling for the week or the evening’s dinner.
3.     Plan the Proteins - Decide what meat you need to have cooked ahead of time or what can be portioned off in placed in the refrigerator, and what can be frozen. Break out the George Foreman Grill and grill up some chicken to be used for grilled chicken salads, wraps, quesadillas or sandwiches.
4.     Prep the Veggies - while the water is boiling away and the meat is grilling, it is now time to slaughter those veggies! You will be so much more likely to eat them up in salads or steamed or grilled if the prep work is done ahead of time. Wash, peel, and slice everything that will not go bad or get mushy or discolored if you do. Having the right storage container is a must. Choose stackable and see through.
5.     Take Care of Snacks - keep a bowl on your table or counter top where the non-perishable snacks can be easily reached. This is the time to portion the pretzels, dried fruit, and nuts into zip lock baggies. Keep granola and protein bars, fuit buddys and your pre-portioned snacks within eyesight.
6.     Cook for the Evening  - if you are making something special for that night. Think Chili, a crock pot dish, soup, or stew that can be used again for leftovers or frozen for later use midweek.
Google, Pinterest, Facebook and blogs are your friend. You can find ideal storage containers, freezer friendly recipes, and other meal ideas.

Go forth and PREPARE! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tackling the Weekly Grocery Store Trip

“Have you ran out to the grocery store for bread, milk, and eggs, and come back with bread, milk, chips, cupcakes, soda, and forgot the eggs?”
You are not alone. Grocery shopping is a never ending battle between intention and temptation. Unfortunately for most of us, temptation usually wins out.  The following tips are designed to help you track down the most nutritious foods, and avoid the most tempting distractions and impulse buying traps.
Grocery cart
Let’s Take a Tour!
1.     Timing is Everything – try to establish a routine for grocery shopping same time and day of the week. Try not to shop when hungry or stressed. If possible, leave the kids at home.
2.     Come Prepared – start by taking inventory at home. Include spices, cooking oils, and condiments. Make a list and stick to it. Only deviate if it is a healthy choice. The list should include fresh fruits and veggies, as well as fresh frozen or slightly processed fruits and veggies that will keep longer than the fresh ones. The next week, “rotate” your fresh fruits and vegetables to include different choices. Include some whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat dairy items. For every item you choose, try to think of at least 3 different ways you can incorporate that item.
3.     Hit the Walls Running – Shop the perimeter first to get to the whole food action. Beware of the bakery which is usually located right near the fruits and veggies.  Most grocery stores get more deliveries on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, so you will get a larger selection if you shop the 1st part of the weekend, and avoid the after church crowds.
4.     Rethink the Fresh Fish – fish labeled fresh does not mean off the boat, it just means it was not frozen. Most grocery stores get their fish delivered at the beginning of the week, but do check your grocery store for their schedule. Frozen fish does not go bad, and commercial freezing techniques minimize textural damage.
5.     Counter Attack the Deli Counter - when buying deli meat choose fresh over the processed versions for lower fat, sugar, and sodium. Choose the hummus or bean dip instead.
6.     Be a Cheese Whiz – most grocery stores have 2 cheese sections. In the domestic section, shop the lowest fat possible. If cheese is a “gateway” food for you, better to shop the imported section. The choices there will be higher in fat, however, studies have shown that people usually serve smaller portions of the more expensive, full-fat variety, therefore consuming less.
7.     Don’t get Butchered by the Meat Department – Choose select cuts, which are the leanest, most healthful, and most affordable meats you can find.  Prime cuts are often marbled, which means more fat. Most meat is packaged in family sized cuts. Ask the butcher to package the exact amount you need. Beware of the sale items and the 2 for 1 deals. While cost effective, they can sometimes be at the end of their life. Check the expiration date.
8.     Attack the Interior – this is not the place to browse! Know ahead of time what you want and where it is.
9.     Look high and Low for the Healthier Choices – all of those high sugar cereals are lined up right at our waist level, which corresponds to a child’s eye level. In any store, some products are placed at an adult’s eye level because the manufacturer paid a “placement fee”.  Heavily promoted items are more likely to be unhealthy. Watch out for “Healthy” items that really are not – keep in mind, “Organic” does not always mean low fat, sugar, or sodium.
10.  Check Yourself Out – this does not necessarily mean the self check-out. This means beware yet again of the temptations lined up at the checkout line.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year....Better Physique

Can you believe it's 2013 already? Well everyone believes that their body will be completely transformed by hitting the gym 5 times per week. The gym is important but what you are eating will account for 80 percent of that beach bod you will be showing off in the months to come.

Check out TNT President Angela Wilkinson's segment on Charlotte Today. She discuss making healthier food choices that will lead to a healthier and sexier you.



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