Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Candy Survival

It's one of the candy companies favorite holidays while it's our stomach and hips least favorite day. You guessed it....HALLOWEEN is quickly approaching. Costumes have been purchased, cute decor is all around, and candy dishes are filled. You look at the candy and the candy looks back at you, you want a piece and the candy taunts you. Well before you give into the temptation. Here are a few ideas to prevent overdoing it.

1) Buy candy that you don’t like. Then you won’t be tempted to eat it. Also,
buy it a day or two before Halloween so it is not sitting around waiting to
be eaten.
2) If you are giving out candy, try to give it all out by the end of the night.
3) The day after Halloween, get rid of all that candy! Take it to work, give it
away or just throw it away. Remember don’t keep it around the house.
4) If your children come home from trick-or-treating with a stash, have them
go through and pick out their favorites. Throw the rest away.
5) Don’t buy a “jumbo” bag of candy if your neighborhood only gets a few
6) Consider non-candy goodies like mini-containers of play-doh, stickers,
temporary tattoos or $1 gift certificates instead of candy.
7) Consider healthier treats like 100-calorie packs instead of candy.

***The key is to have the least amount of extra calories sitting around the house for you to eat.***

Here are just some of the more popular Halloween Candies:

* Twizzlers 1 treat size pkg.= 45 calories

* Almond Joy 1 snack size bar = 90 calories

* Milk Duds 1 treat size box = 40 calories

* Junior Mints mini box= 50 cal

* Milky Way = 75 calories

* 1 Tootsie Pop/Blow pop 1 pop = 60 calories

* 1 Tootsie Roll 1 small roll = 13 calories

* Twix (fun size) bar = 80 calories

*Reese’s cup (regular) = 80 cals

*Reese’s cup mini = 40 calories

* Butterfinger 1 snack size bar = 100 cals

* Snickers fun size = 80 calories

Note: Calorie content is based on 1 serving of Halloween ‘snack’ or ‘fun’ size
packages, not full size servings found in the candy aisle. Having only a few
pieces of Halloween candy won’t crash your healthy eating routine, it’s the
temptation to keep having ‘just one more’ that will pack on the pounds. It only
takes nine small fun-size candy bars to put on a quarter-pound of fat.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Non-Exercise Activity Today

For many of us, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to eat breakfast, make sure the kids eat breakfast, get ready for work, get the kids ready for school, work, pick up the kids, take them to soccer or dance or piano, do the groceries, do the laundry, cook dinner, help with homework, answer emails, get lunches ready for the next day, and so on…and so on.

For times like these, and other times in our lives when our schedule gets disrupted, it’s time to try N*E*A*T. This stands for non-exercise activity today. To put it simply, these are just tricks to increase our calorie burn during the day. These types of activities do not replace the more formal types of cardiovascular, resistant training, or flexibility exercises. N*E*A*T activities, are simply a way to sneak in physical activity throughout the day without compromising our time at all.

N*E*A*T activities do serve a very useful purpose however. It takes 3500 calories to burn off a pound of fat. If we just increase the calories we burn to 10 extra calories a day, we would burn the equivalent of over 1 extra pound a year. Doesn’t sound like much does it? What if we were to increase it to 50 extra calories a day? Now we have just increased our calorie burn to 5 extra pounds a year. What if we increase it to 100 extra calories a day? Now our calorie burn is over 10 pounds a year. 

Still, how do we do this without disrupting our already overbooked days? Here is my top 10 list.
  1. Whenever you have to walk anywhere – walk faster 
  2. Whenever you walk anywhere – take bigger steps
  3. When waiting in line at the bank or while pumping gas - do calf raises
  4. When waiting in line at the grocery store- pick up a can and do bicep curls
  5. When using the bathroom – do the “dirty potty squatty”
  6. When riding in the elevator – do knee raises
  7. When brushing your teeth – do squats
  8. When rinsing off dishes – do hamstring curls
  9. While waiting for the microwave to beep – do wall push-ups
  10. When getting up from a chair with arm rests do – do a triceps dip
There are so many more. What are some ways you sneak exercise into your daily activity? I challenge you to add to my list. Then you can be as N*E*A*T as me.


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