Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ten Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Summer is fast approaching and in addition to swimsuit season, it’s also a common time for significant events such as reunions, weddings, vacations, etc. These occasions often make people think about their weight and motivate them to lose those extra pounds.

Here are ten tips to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

1. DO NOT Miss Breakfast: Jump start your metabolism by eating first thing in the morning. If you skip breakfast, you will tend to eat more calories later in the day.

2. Have a support system. You will be more successful in your weight loss efforts if you have a support system. This is crucial to your success.

3. Make sure you are working with a professional to help you reach your weight loss goals successfully and safely.

4. Avoid relying on meal replacement bars/shakes: Actual food is always best. Only use meal replacement bars or shakes as a back-up because bars contain a lot of sugar and are high in fat. Shakes lack the fiber your body needs.

5. READ supplement labels carefully: Don’t believe everything you read on the label of a supplement. The supplement industry is largely unregulated. Do some research and don’t trust every claim you read. It helps to have a professional there to help you sort through all the information out there.

6. Make sure you consume ENOUGH calories for your activity level: Be sure to eat enough calories to fuel your activity level, but not too much where you can’t burn it off. Starving yourself will not only hinder your efforts, but leave you even more tired and stressed.

7. Set realistic goals. A healthy weight loss is gradual, but maintainable. Give yourself enough time to lose weight slowly so that you can remain healthy and energetic.

8. Make sure to drink enough water: Dehydration is never good. Be sure to drink before, during and after your workouts. Your skin will thank you for it.

9. Avoid Fad Diets: Yes, their claims are tempting, but do they really work? Always ask yourself, “Can I do this for the rest of my life?”

10. Avoid eating too much protein and not enough carbs: Complex carbs are important for muscle growth and provide your body with energy. You need a balanced diet; don’t omit any one food group.

Total Nutrition Technology can help you reach your weight loss goals and offers a 12-week weight loss program. Call (704) 549-9550.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Just Posted Yummy Recipe from Cookbook that Benefits JDRF

Just posted a great yummy recipe on our Web site from Stacey Simm’s new cookbook I can’t Cook, But I Know Someone Who Can. This cookbook features recipes from 25 of Charlotte’s greatest chefs with commentary from Stacey, who calls herself the city’s worst cook.

Stacey is the weekday co-host of Charlotte’s Morning News on NewsTalk 1110 WBT. All of the profits from I Can’t Cook, But I Know Someone Who Can benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Stacey’s son Benny was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes shortly before his second birthday.

From now through May 1st, you can save $10 off the retail price - only $14.99! Just enter the coupon code JDRFWALK at checkout.

You can purchase this cookbook by visiting www.staceysimms.com.

Check out the recipe on our Web site for Sunset Slaw from Johnson & Wales University Chef Instructor, Mark Allison

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Visual Health Assessment Provides Motivation

Today has been a great day! All of the clients I met with, talked to or e-mailed with are well on their way to reaching their weight loss or fitness goals. One client was especially motivated after completing our 3-D assessment a couple of months ago. She learned that if she continued on her current path, she had a 78% chance of developing heart disease. She knew she wanted to lose some weight, but the 3-D image of herself on a good diet and exercise program, along with the alarmingly high chance of developing serious diseases was enough to get her on the right track. I met with her today and she’s doing great!

Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of clients who fall off the horse, but our job is to encourage and motivate them back on that horse. And, we do! Our goal is to help you develop long-term health and wellness.

The 3-D health assessment is a great visual motivator for people to improve their health. We are just loving this tool customized for TNT by Visual Fitness Planner. The 3-D technology provides health risk assessment for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. After entering current health stats, the system will also calculate an internal health age, which is compared to the user’s actual age. A 3-D picture will then show the person’s current body image and body transformation with a goal appropriate eating and exercise program. It’s a great visual motivator for people to improve their health.

If you haven’t had a 3-D assessment done, I highly recommend it. It provides some really fascinating and critical information.

Off to cuddle with Avery and get ready for Friday!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good News!

It’s been five months since we launched our TNT nutrition supplement line of mulit-vitamins, fat burners, essential fats and joint support. The response has far exceeded our expectations and while we think they are great, what really matters is that YOU think they are great.

I thought for sure the multi-vitamin would be our best seller, but it’s actually the AM and PM Fat Burners that our selling the fastest. Several clients and customers have told me the AM & PM Fat Burner combination seems to give them more energy and decreases their appetite a bit. We love feedback so if you are taking one of the TNT nutrition supplements, tell me what you think.

I’m currently taking the joint support because … guest what?! I’m pregnant! Baby number 2 is due end of September. While I was hoping to keep the baby’s gender a secret until delivery, the ultrasound tech told us before my husband and I could express our wishes. So, our sweet little girl Avery is going to have a little brother!

A lot of exciting things happening at TNT both personally and professionally! You may have noticed that there are some new faces in our seven offices. We’ve hired several new health educators who bring an amazing expanse of knowledge and talents.

We’ll be updating our health bits, nutrition bits, recipe and blog often so continue to visit our Web site regularly. Even better … subscribe to our RSS feed.


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