Friday, September 14, 2012

Children want to Walk too

Did you know that children have an 80% chance of staying obese their entire lives. It doesn't have to be this way. We have been sending out heart health facts leading up to TNT’s participation in the Charlotte Heart Walk on September 22nd. And September is also National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.  We all know that you will be joining us for the walk on next week, but don’t forget to bring the kids.

So here are the top reasons you should bring the kiddos:

* Exercise
* Fresh Air
* It’s for a Good Cause
* Supporting TNT
The children are our future and we want the children to understand the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. We help them prepare to be good students and to be good people in general. But are we teaching them about making the right choice regarding nutrition and exercise?

Also, check out our previous blog on the Let’s Go program.

If you would like to sign up your family to walk with TNT contact us. Please remember the children want to walk too.

Friday, September 7, 2012

8 Steps to Prevent Heart Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer of Americans. There are steps that you can take today that can decrease your risk of heart disease. The Mayo Clinic discusses eight steps that you can implement today.

  1. Control portion sizes
  2. Eat more fruits and veggies
  3. Choose whole grains
  4. Limit unhealthy fats and cholesterol
  5. Select low-fat protein sources
  6. Limit sodium intake
  7. Treat yourself

You may not be able to implement all eight steps at one time, but start with one. Once you have gotten one step down, add more. You will feel better and your heart will thank you. Take your health into your hands.

You can also help improve the cardiovascular health of others. TNT is participating in the Charlotte Health Walk on September 22nd. This is the only event we participate in and solicit donations. Click a link, mend a Heart. If you live in the Charlotte, NC area and want to walk with Team TNT to please contact us.


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