Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Thing About Low-Carb Diets

Something to remember when considering a low-carbohydrate diet....

Researchers at the HarvardSchool for Public Health recently discovered that low-carb dieters tend to eat about 40 percent less produce despite the fact that vegetables are very very low in carbohydrate and, for every 3 servings of veggies that are eaten each day, the risk of heart disease drops 18 percent.

This is another reason why a more well-balanced diet that emphasizes the importance of all the food groups (in the appropriate amount) is a better way to eat for long term health and success.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Forbidden Foods

Want a simple trick to helping lose weight? Instead of obsessing about "forbidden" foods that you want to banish, try focusing on healthy foods that you can enjoy.

Many studies find that people who tend to think this way end up losing more weight that those who reminate on restricting calories. Want to know what these healthy foods are?

Make an appointment with your local TNT Health Educator today.

Hello Old Friends!

Happy Fall and Apologies for the long hiatus, and we have things to catch up on, so to start with...

Jacob Wesley Wilkinson is finally here! Jake arrived on September 29, 2009 at 3.30PM, 7.4lbs and 14.5 inches.

October Newsletter is posted: Click Here to check it out (plus Baby Jake birth announcement!)

TNT is sponsoring the Thunderroad marathon on December 12th, 2009 in Charlotte, NC

Twitter is back and running, please make sure to check it out for regular updates.

And, homepage is updated with Recipe and Tip of the week.


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