Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Passover

To anyone out there celebrating Passover this upcoming week, I just wanted to remind you all to look out for one of the common pitfalls of the holiday - lack of fiber! Now, maybe you've never really paid attention to fiber before (and if not, then this is a great time to start) but matzo is notoriously low in fiber which can lead to alot of abdominal discomfort - in addition to the fact that many holiday foods are very high in fat (eggs and butter instead of flour in recipes) that can also contribute to a stalled digestion process. So, this may be just the time of year to really examine the fiber in your diet and look for it in other places. For the rest of the year, very-high-fiber breads and cereals are some of the major sources of fiber each day but, for this week, why not concentrate on fiber from fruits and vegetables - which likely means increasing your servings of fruits and vegetables (and not from potatoes), brown rice and legumes (depending on how you observe the holiday). Also, look for fiber in SMALL amounts of nuts and seeds and, even when you do go back to bread, make sure that you continue to strive for lots of fiber in your diet. If you're unsure of how much fiber to get or if you are getting enough, you can always contact a dietitian at Total Nutrition Technology for an appointment! Jill

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