Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Your Holiday Guide

Holiday Weight Gain

Many of our clients have asked about tips to help prevent that holiday weight gain! We have turned it into quick tips and ideas to guide you through this holiday!

Studies have shown that individuals gain the most weight during the winter holidays which cover mid-November to January. These are the times where physical activity decreases and consumption increases, which is the main contribution to weight gain. Other contributors are:

· Lack of portion control

· Sugar sweetened beverage consumption

· Meals outside of home

· Stress

· Lack of physical activity

· Overconsumption

Some of the startling statistics:

-By the year 2030, 86% of Americans will be overweight or obese

-During a 5-day Christmas period the average weight increase is 2lbs. but in some individuals up to 9lbs.

-Dieters face increased weight gain risks over the holidays and gain twice the amount of weight than those of a normal weight

-Overweight/obese individual gain five times more weight during the Thanksgiving holiday than those who are normal weight.

-Older adults have the highest prevalence of being overweight or obese (60 and over), followed by middle aged adults.

-Weight maintenance without a support system or a method of accountability is a challenge and most individuals gain their weight back in 5 years.

The daily self-monitoring approach is a feasible solution to holiday weight gain and is more effective in minimizing weight gain. A few recommended methods are to weigh yourself daily, record your food intake and track-your daily steps with a pedometer.

As easy as it is to get off track over the holidays it is also possible to stay on track. Having a support system in place during this time of year is critical.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

What Motivates You?

What motivates you? Think about it for a minute. What is going to encourage you to work out instead of staying in bed or put down a slice of cake and pick up an apple instead? Part of taking steps toward developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is figuring out who you are! You have to learn who you are so that you will know what drives you to make the choices and decisions that you do regarding your health. It is up to you to determine your motivation for working out, eating right, and taking care of yourself.

For me, I like to feel good when I put on my clothes and I like the feeling of accomplishment after I complete a rigorous workout. So on days that I would love to lay around the house and watch television, I push myself to go out on a nice run so that I can get that happy feeling afterward. Everyone has different motivations, but they all lead us to the same result of making healthier decisions. Now I know that everyone will not be encouraged to go out on a run just to chase after some “happy feeling”, so let’s figure out some things that would motivate you instead. You could be trying to get off a medication, you may want to lose weight, you may want to challenge yourself, you may be preparing for a competition. Whatever it is, focus on that when your tempted to do something that may adversely those goals. Motivation will determine how successful you are in reaching your goals because at the end of the day when friends, family, and trainers are not around, you have to be your OWN biggest cheerleader.

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