Friday, September 12, 2008

Nut Allergies - from Jill

Peanut Free Diet Information- As many kids head back to school and many schools are not allowing peanut-containing foods onto school grounds, there are many quesitons parents have about what to send to school.

1) What IS considered “peanut free”?
Any of the following ingredients would be considered “peanuts” and so should not be part of any of the products you send to school with your child:
Peanut Butter
Peanut flour
Beer nuts
Cold-pressed Peanut oil (and heat-pressed should also be avoided)
Ground nuts
Mixed nuts
Nu-Nuts flavored nuts
Hydrolyzed plant protein
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
Goober peas or nuts

2) What types of products may contain these ingredients?
Ice Cream
Spaghetti Sauce
Ethnic dishes such as African, Chinese, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese
3) Are ANY nuts allowed? While peanuts and treenuts (i.e., almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, etc) are not related foods, the potential for cross-contamination is high. This means that where treenuts are found, peanuts are also commonly found. It is a good idea to avoid all nuts if you are peanut allergic! If the manufacturer has gone to the trouble of printing a warning such as “may contain trace amounts of …” or “processed in plant that contains nuts”, then that means that it is usually significant enough to cause an allergic reaction and should be avoided.

If you are looking for more infomation on healthy meals and snacks that are nut-free, contact your local TNT Health Educator and make an appointment today!

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