Thursday, August 28, 2008

good things DON'T always come in small packages - from Jill

100-calorie packs have been around for years but were mostly unnoticed until about 3 years ago. Now, you can find 100-calorie servings of everything from cookies to ice cream to soda to dried fruit... and so on. While many people have jumped onto this hot trend as a way to have quick portion control, new market research is finding that, in fact, these smaller packages are having the opposite effect on our weight. You see, many people ASSUME that something in 100 calorie package size is "health food" and therefore, people will often allow themselves to have more than one package at a time since it is perceived as healthy. These smaller packages seem to be more likely to fuel temptation to have "just a little bit" of an indulgence so, if you like the convenience of the 100 calorie packs, enjoy - but ONLY ONE.

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