Thursday, March 13, 2008

One week and counting

So I have one week to go before my child arrives. It is so exciting. Once again this pregnancy has been a beautiful journey and I have learned so much. Not too sound like a broken record but I really can not emphasize enough the importance of eating right and staying physically active... (Not just during pregnancy but for everyone at all stages of one's life). I am not sure where the concept of .. "I'm eating for I'll eat what I want" came from. All we really need is an extra 300 calories a day while pregnant (500 while nursing). An extra 300 calories is not that much. Why would we want to add junk to our body if we are nourishing a life within us? The extra baby weight is tough enough to carry around while pregnant ..but too add unnecessary pounds makes it that much harder on our joints, energy level and overall health. We recently rolled out a new specialty program called "TNT mom's". I highly encourage all mom's "to be" or "trying to be" to take advantage of this program.. it will get you on track and keep you on track during this exciting time of your life. Do not feed into excuses while pregnant...If you are in your first trimester and have morning sickness..think baby steps.. some walking is better than none. Bargain with yourself and say you will do at least 15 minutes. You may be surprised that once you hit that mark you feel better and want to keep going. During your third trimester you my feel the same.. tired and worn down.. but I am a true believer that if you do a little of something it will make you feel so much better. Mentally and physically!
I'll end with this quote I recently ran across...
- "A person with health has many wishes... yet a person without their health has but one" anonymous
Have a super day
Until next week

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