Friday, March 28, 2008

Read those labels

I saw a quick video this week that talked about label reading and I thought it was a great "study" as they stopped random people on the street and asked them to read the Nutrition Facts on various foods - especially snack foods. What they found was that most people are still NOT looking at the NUMBER of servings in a bag of snacks and there is almost ALWAYS more than one serving in a bag! SO, i am "ranting" today because I feel like many people ARE trying to be healthier and picking out snacks that are claiming to be "trans fat free", "heart healthy", "whole grain" etc and maybe even looking at the "Nutrition Facts" panel to check the number of calories and/or fat but PLEASE PLEASE do yourself the EXTRA favor of checking out how many servings are in that package! There are plenty of people who are frustrated out there because they feel like they are eating all the "right" foods and still not achieveing their goals and this can be happening becuase of the "right " foods but still in the "wrong" portions! READ THOSE LABELS :-) Jill

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