Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter tempations (from Jill)

Hi! This is Jill again and just thought I'd touch on the topic that I've been talking about alot this week, which is how to deal with the holiday this weekend. Most people are going to make the meal itself their "cheat meal" which is great but I think we all tend to overlook both the preparation AND the leftovers so... As you are cooking, try to set out a bowl of raw veggies to munch on (carrot sticks, celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, etc) AND a large cup of water so that, when you are tempted to "take a taste" of this or that, try to go to YOUR bowl and cup first. All those little bites and licks before hand can be a whole other cheat meal in itself :-)

As for the leftovers, send them packing! If you aren't having alot of people over, try to remember this as you are cooking and scale back on the recipe - buy a smaller ham, only make one type of starchy side and maybe try individual desserts instead of a whole cake. If you ARE having alot of people over, stock up on some tupperware beforehand so you can send people home with the leftovers. SOME leftovers, may be okay, like having a lean ham sandwich for the next day or two, but anything that was made with alot of butter, cream, oil, etc is NOT something you want staring back at your from the fridge for the next few days :-) Remember, ENJOY the meal and the time with family and friends but try to go right back to your healthy eating the next day! HAPPY EASTER!

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