i've got a perfect body, but sometimes i forget,
i've got a perfect body 'cause my eyelashes catch my sweat,
yes they do.
-R.S., Folding Chair
I just discovered a lovely blog authored by Juilliard graduate, Meg Fee - The Wild and Wily Ways of a Brunette Bombshell. Megs last entry really caught my attention, she quoted Regina Spektor's new song, Folding Chair (from the most amazing album, by the way) and proposed "the perfect body initiative," she asked her readers: Why is your body perfect?i've got a perfect body 'cause my eyelashes catch my sweat,
yes they do.
-R.S., Folding Chair
The answers she received from her wonderful readers are overwhelming, and naturally one resonates with me more than the others. The Girl in the Yellow Shoes said, I love my body because it carried a child and allowed me to give birth. And that was a miracle. Her answer makes me smile.
So, I ask you to think about what you love about your body, in our quest of perfection we sometimes forget that we are in possesion of functioning, healthy bodies - this is something that we should truly be celebrating for. And, thank you, Meg for starting The Perfect Body Initiative!
oh i'm so honored. and so glad that the idea is spreading. in some ways it feels like a selfish thing--i get to take what each and every person says and allow those things to keep me going through the day--but if it helps others along the way, then huzzah!
and yes i can't think of a greater miracle than child birth, i mean...our bodies can do that?! holy smokes.
holy smokes indeed!
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