Saturday, May 10, 2008

safe grilling (from Jill)

I haven't been feeling well these last 24 hours or so and I think I may have eaten some undercooked shellfish and so, while this post isn't exactly related to that, it just made me think to remind everyone to use safe grilling techniques as this season kicks into high gear. Remember not to put cooked meats back on the same plate that the raw meats came out on and remember to use a different set of tongs for transferring raw versus cooked meats. Also, do not pour marinades that you were using for the raw meat, back over the cooked meat when it is done. Cutting into the meat can release the tasty juices so, purchase a meat thermometer to make sure that your meats are cooked thoroughly (chicken breast - 165 degrees, pork chops - 145 degrees, strip steak or flank steak about 1 inch thick - 140 degrees for medium, hamburgers - 155 degrees) and, of course, make sure to wash your hand thoroughly after you handle raw food. Happy (and safe) grilling!

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