Friday, May 2, 2008

My "soap box" for this week (Jill)

Hi, Everyone,
I saw something in the last week or so on TV that really made me mad and I thought I'd share. It was a brief piece on a particular morning talk show that had an author (not a dietitian or a doctor) telling people the various salt content in some restaurant selections. Now, of course, I 100% agree that it is important to know the salt content of foods and try to minimize as much as possible. But, this person was using very poor comparisons and examples that, while may be lower in salt, certainly wouldn't be considered "healthy" food choices. For example, he showed one chain restaurant meal (something like a grilled chicken salad that we would assume is healthy) and showed how it had as much salt a 11 orders of fast-food onion rings. Shocking - yes! Does that mean you should choose onion rings instead - no! But that isn't the impression you'd get if you didn't know alot about nutrition or if you didn't read the other info (fat and calories). So... I am just saying this to bring attention to the fact that media stories about nutrition, while sometimes full of great and useful info, can also be misleading (unintentionally or not) so do take that info with a grain of salt (pun intended) and consult a nutrition professional if you are unsure about the quality of your food intake.

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