Friday, May 16, 2008

Keep drinking that water (from Jill)

In the last week or so, there were several news stories talking about reports that maybe we really don't need as much water each day as previously recommended. While more research may still be needed to decide one way or the other, let's not forget all of the health benefits we get from keeping ourselves adequately hydrated. First of all, our bodies are 70% water and it plays a role in many vital body functions. Second, when we get dehydrated, our body gives off the same signals as hunger so staying well -hydrated can help us make sure we aren't eating for the wrong reasons and, therefore, help control weight. A third important function of water is to help energize our muscles. We know working out is important but if our muscles are fatigued from dehydration, we are not going to have the energy to get the most out of the time we spend in the gym. The last 3 reasons that water is important - it keeps our skin looking good, helps our kidneys function and keeps our bowels regular. So... no matter what the most recent news stories say, remember that getting enough fluids is important for many different reasons.

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