Sunday, May 1, 2011

Eat Better

Life’s Simple 7: Eat Better

A healthy diet is one of your best weapons for fighting cardiovascular disease. Eating a heart-healthy diet helps to improve your chances for feeling good and staying healthy! However, recent studies show that more than 90% of us fail to consistently eat a heart-healthy diet. Our poor eating habits mean more of us have risk factors for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Below are some tips to help you start and maintain your own heart healthy diet!

What makes up a Heart Healthy Diet?
Foods low in saturated and trans fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars, and foods high in whole grain fiber, lean protein, and a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Eat nutrient rich foods such as; vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. It’s also important to cut back on; partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, cholesterol-eat less then 300 mg/day, sodium-eat less then 1500 mg/day.

How important is eating and maintain an healthy diet?
If you are frequently skipping out on veggies, fruit, low-fat dairy, fiber-rich whole grains, and lean meats including fish, your body is missing the basic building blocks for a healthy life. Most of the time these essential nutrients cannot be found in hamburgers and french fries! Healthy foods are the fuel our bodies use to make new cells and create the energy we need to thrive and fight diseases. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential to living a long and healthy life!

Here are some of TNT’s tips to simple steps you can do to maintain a healthy diet:
· Stock your kitchen with healthy foods, take part in TNT’s pantry makeover sessions
· Track what you eat!
· Focus on eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods
· Eat more fish! Try to eat fish at least two times a week
· Cut out saturated and trans fat foods, cut back on added sugars
· Enjoy your meals! Take the time to savor each bite of your meal!

To learn more about this Life’s Simple 7 Eat Better tip and others go to and for more tips from Total Nutrition Technology visit

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