Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good News!

It’s been five months since we launched our TNT nutrition supplement line of mulit-vitamins, fat burners, essential fats and joint support. The response has far exceeded our expectations and while we think they are great, what really matters is that YOU think they are great.

I thought for sure the multi-vitamin would be our best seller, but it’s actually the AM and PM Fat Burners that our selling the fastest. Several clients and customers have told me the AM & PM Fat Burner combination seems to give them more energy and decreases their appetite a bit. We love feedback so if you are taking one of the TNT nutrition supplements, tell me what you think.

I’m currently taking the joint support because … guest what?! I’m pregnant! Baby number 2 is due end of September. While I was hoping to keep the baby’s gender a secret until delivery, the ultrasound tech told us before my husband and I could express our wishes. So, our sweet little girl Avery is going to have a little brother!

A lot of exciting things happening at TNT both personally and professionally! You may have noticed that there are some new faces in our seven offices. We’ve hired several new health educators who bring an amazing expanse of knowledge and talents.

We’ll be updating our health bits, nutrition bits, recipe and blog often so continue to visit our Web site regularly. Even better … subscribe to our RSS feed.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I have used the multi vitamin for 2months now and feel great. I was previously using GNC vitamins and, aside from the memory aid, feel this is a much better product. Thanks for a great alternative.


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