Friday, September 26, 2008

Could a Little Temptation Be a Good Thing? (from Jill)

When trying to lose weight, many people will often keep any tempting foods from their kitchens to prevent overeating them. However, a new study suggests that keeping some sweet treats around might be a good way to build willpower.
In three tests that presented female college students with tempting foods, researchers found that the women exerted greater self-control when they had previously been confronted with a sweet treat they had access to — rather than just pictures or smells. This is very different from the old way of thinking about ways to overcome overeating and the implication, say the researchers, is that challenging yourself to resist temptation may be more effective than banning all sweets and snack foods from the house for both short-term and long-term success. As with all research, there should still be more studies to determine if this is truly accurate or not but it's something to think about.....

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